Genre: weird frenchies, screamo, emo
Sounds like: cap'n jazz, amanda woodward, off minor
I don't listen to much music from Europe. I'm not sure why. Besides Suis La Lune and Amanda Woodward, I really can't think of any that I listen to regularly. My friend Marie is cool and from France. She put on this record the other day. It started off just as in the background. It seemed very similar to the 3rd/4th/whatever wave emo has been coming out nowadays. Yet, the more you listen to it, its got a much more mature, thought out vibe compared to most of the stuff coming out of the US. It's easily my favorite record to come out of the diy European scene in years. It seamlessly goes from catchy bass line, to head-down driving beats, to expansive, spacious melodies that use subtlest of intricacies to alter mood. All of this occurs over kinsella-esque melodic group vocals and soaring echoes, which of course are inherently beautiful...well, because they're sung in French. Duh. But really, this record is one of the most refreshing takes emo in recent memory.
S.m.o.k.e. W.e.e.d.
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