Saturday, May 19, 2012

For Serious This Time - When You're In It

Genre: Indie pop
For Fans Of: DivideDivideDivide, Chalk Talk

Where i'm from, the summer creeps in the spring and lingers through the fall. Its sweltering, sometimes unbearable, impossible to get away from, but I love every minute of it. Here are two things that get me through the triple digit days:

1. Summer Jams.

2. The Tiny Toon Adventures straight-to-video feature length film.

For Serious This Time's 2nd release, When You're In It, fits the first thing on my short list of requirements that help me through the heat. I get excited for summer anthems, records that stay constant in your car, windows down singing out your little heart, (y'all know the feeling so I don't have to explain) etc.Typically those are accompanied with a car full of friends, singing along, and someone is always pretending they know all the riffs. Although I have those albums (Braid is the standard in my circle), When You're In It is my personal summer jam. I don't know the reason for this, since every song on this record is so goddamn catchy. Great guitar lines that have a solo esque (gasp!) to them that goes right along the group chants and vocals. The vocals  is nasally and youthful, which brings the charm. Its a really quick listen, I suggest to really anyone who loves a good short and sweet pop album.

I always wanted my first day of summer to be like the opening scene of the Tiny Toon movie. Although I have never gotten anywhere near as close as I wanted these certain records can for a brief moment emulate of what summers you once had, or for a second you can pretend what you always wanted your days in the in the sun to be like, or maybe ones you will have. Alright i'm starting to get esoteric so I should stop. go listen.

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